Prints & Products


Diamond | 3,000
30×40 Metal or Canvas Print
24×36 Deckled Edge or Acrylic Print
Set of 3 17×25 Wood Frames Prints
12×12 Heirloom Album
8×10 Block or (2) 5×7 Acrylic Block
12×18 Curved Metal Print


Platinum | 1,950
24×36 Canvas or Metal Print
20×30 Deckled Edge or Acrylic Print
Set of 3 17×25 Wood Frames Prints
10×10 Photobook
8×10 Acrylic Block
12×18 Curved Metal Print


Gold | 1,550
20×30 Canvas or Metal Print
16×24 Deckled Edge or Acrylic Print
Set of 3 17×25 Wood Frames Prints
10×10 Photobook
8×10 Acrylic Block


Silver | 700
16×20 Deckled Edge or Acrylic Print
16×20 Metal or Canvas Print
8×8 Photobook
8×12 Curved Metal Print


Bronze | 400
16×20 Metal or Canvas Print
8×8 Photobook
5×7 Acrylic Block

A La Carte

 Metal Wall Hanging Prints
11×14 | 100
16×20 | 200
20×30 | 350
24×36 | 450
30×40 | 750
Additional Options:
Posts | 50
Float Hang | 20


Canvas Gallery Wrap
11×14 | 100
16×20 | 200
20×30 | 350
24×36 | 450
30×40 | 750
Additional Options:
Canvas Frames | x2


Acrylic ¼ Depth Wall Art
11×14 | 200
16×20 | 350
16×24 | 450
20×30 | 600
24×36 | 850
30×40 | 1,000

Deckled Edge Fine Art Print
11×14 | 250
16×20 | 400
16×24 | 500
20×30 | 650
24×36 | 900


Framed Wood Wall Sets (3)
13×13 | 200
17×25 | 400
25×25 | 700
44×22 | 900


8×8 Photobook | 150
10×10 Photobook | 300
12×12 Heirloom | 1,200
~ Additional Parent Albums | 65


Extra Wooden USB | 45
Wallet Accordion Book | 45
5×7 Acrylic Block | 100
8×10 Acrylic Block | 200
8×12 Curved Metal Print | 100
12×18 Curved Metal Print | 200

All Sales are Final
